The 1919 Mendocino High School student body. Top row L – R: Frank Madera, Mr. Gauthier, Mr. Woods, Ruel Stickney, Leslie Larsen, Glenn Koskela, Jack Ross. Next row: Mabel Clark, Marian Arendt, Clarence Stout, Earl Cummings, Claude Stout, Lester Olson. Next row: Clara Grub, Harold Hansen, Lynn West, Warren Daniels, Barton Coombs, Arthur Lemos, Bill Johnson. Next row: Spencer Handlin, Geneva Daniels, Mamie Gordon, Helen Hodghead, Gertrude Mullen, Jack Auser, Merle Hurst, Rose Crouch. Next row: Alfred Portfield, ?, Alice Turnbull, Bernice Cargill, Ethel Christiansen, Helen Foster, Claire Bosford, Josephine Jarvinen, Catherine McMaster. Next row: Margaret Larson, Martha Scott, Hilda Johnson, Josephine Fraetis, Helen Boyle, Ethel Perkins, Florence Kent. Front row: Rose Eyrend, Josephine Handelin, Verda Lesihman, Inez Clement, Maude Hellenbech, Jean Law, Josephine Lemos. (Kelley House Collection, Kelley House Photographs)
December 19, 1919 – The high school’s history room was the scene of Christmas festivities, given in honor of the Mendocino High School girls by the Boys’ Union Vaudeville Company. The room was appropriately decorated in green and red, and a fine Christmas tree trimmed with candles and snow occupied the front of the room.
This was the last day of school before Christmas break. The program featured a mixture of comedy performances and song and dance. First up was music from the “Sympathy Orchestra” consisting of Jack Auser (Band Master), and members Harold Hansen, Leslie Larsen, Ray Hansen, Arthur Lemos, William Johnson, and Alfred Porterfield.
Frank Madera stole the show with a selection from Grand Opera. He played a prima donna, “dressed in ladies’ evening clothes and his coiffure was trimmed with white plumes. His dancing and singing was that of a star performer.”
George Nichols’ impersonation of one of the high school girls, Helen Foster, “was a great attraction.” There were piano solos by Lynn West and Ray Hansen, and a musical skit called “Those H. S. Girls,” sung by Mervin Perkins, Martin Koskela and Ruel Stickney.
After the show, Peter Hurley, dressed as Santa Claus, entered the room with a huge bag of candy for the children. He delighted all those present by presenting to each person a useful and appropriate gift. The boys could not let Santa or their guests depart before the refreshments, consisting of cider, cake, doughnuts and cookies, had been served. The High School orchestra then played music for dancing, which was indulged in until noon.
Coloring Mendocino by Streetcolor – This is a work of art and coloring book by the artist Streetcolor, widely known for her interactive drawing and coloring projects. She has drawn 28 historic or contemporary scenes, some featuring early settlers drawn from photographs. $17.