A westward view of Main Street in Mendocino in 1883. A pair of mules pulls a wagon down the graded dirt street lined with wooden sidewalks. On the right is a two-story building occupied by Walker’s Saloon and Restaurant, which became the Alhambra Hotel after Duncan Walker died suddenly on April 26, 1883 of tuberculosis. Farther down the street beyond the small tree is Central House, which eventually became the Mendocino Hotel.
Taken in front of the Ford House on Washington’s Birthday, February 22, 1883. Note the large flags waving in the wind. Back of photograph is inscribed with the date and printed with “Mendocino City Photographic Art Gallery Perry & Kelly.”
More historical photos of Mendocino available in “Perley Maxwell’s Mendocino,” by Bruce Levene. Includes the Mendocino High School Photography Students 2002 Then & Now Project. $25.