When Beth Stebbins and Dorothy Bear of Mendocino Historical Research accepted the generous gift of the Kelley family property in April 1975, they received more than just the house and grounds. There was also a resident feline, described in the July 31, 1975 issue of the Beacon.
“Then there is the Kelley cat. She is small, black with white markings and naturally, was pregnant when we moved in to her territory. When restoration of the house began, she was much disturbed and had to move her kittens from the roof of the east porch to a corner she found upstairs inside the house. Only one survived and it was given away. Last week she had her operation so there will not be any more Kelley kittens. The noise and confusion has subsided somewhat, she is back home and clearly she wants to be the Kelley house cat.”
Does anyone remember this cat?
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