Cattle walking down historic street

Cattle drive down Caspar’s Main Street, past the Caspar Athletic Club. The cows and their calves are being driven to pasture on the Caspar Headlands. The buildings shown on Main Street are, L – R: Dance Hall, Caspar Hotel, Nolan Grocery Store and the Caspar Athletic Club. Also in this view are square utility poles and a residential picket fence.

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Mendocino Historical Research Inc., now known as the Kelley House Museum. Meet founders Dorothy Bear and Beth Stebbins, who moved to Mendocino, fell in love with local history, then galvanized a community to establish a research center to preserve the town’s many stories and artifacts. On display are some of the earliest donations made to MHRI: census records from the 1860s, clothing from the Kelley family, the Ford family’s Bible, materials from Bear & Stebbins’ first exhibit “Mendocino Homes,” Anne Kendall Foote’s bespoke wallpaper reproductions, and photographs of the activists whose labor restored the house and whose contributions have supported the Kelley House over the years. 45007 Albion Street, Mendocino. Thursday-Monday, 11am – 3pm. Now until February 26.