May 10, 1895 – Dr. William McCornack and pharmacist Herman Baum purchased Mrs. Murray’s drug store, located on Main Street across from the Ford House. A clause in the purchase contract stated that the property could be used for any activity, “excepting for saloon use or immoral purposes.”

I.D.E.S. Drill Team, 1925 – 1933. Photograph of I.D.E.S. (Irmandade di Espirito Santo, Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost), a Portuguese men’s organization. In 1910 the membership roster noted there were 73 members. This organization had its own marching band and drill team, as shown in the picture. They are standing on Main Street in Mendocino in front of Dr. Carl Vincent Whited’s bungalow-style home and office (flat roof to the right) located where the Alhambra Hotel used to be, east of the Mendocino Hotel. The long 2-story building on the far right is Joseph Heisel’s shoe store. Between 1895 and 1897, this structure housed the Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company. The building was demolished in 1941.
Since 1887, Dr. McCornack had operated a hospital in the residence located on the southeast corner of Ukiah and Howard Streets (today’s Blue Door Inn). After eight years in that location, he formed a partnership with Baum to move the hospital into the larger building on Main Street and operate the drug store.
The Beacon reported on their plans. “They contemplate making extensive improvements and will run the store in connection with the Mendocino Hospital. A short time ago Mr. Baum went to the city and purchased a complete stock of goods and they now have everything necessary for a first-class drug store.”
By the end of June, the newly-formed Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company had “moved into their new and commodious quarters on Main street.” Eight patients were transported from the Howard Street hospital building.
The Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company didn’t last long, though. In March of 1897, the Beacon reported, “the Mendocino Hospital & Drug Co. will remove the hospital from this place to occupy its new and commodious building [Mayan Fusion in 2022] at Fort Bragg under the firm name of Fort Bragg Hospital & Drug Co. The firm will consist of Dr. W. A. McCornack and H. R. Baum and continue in the same line of business as heretofore. The drug store at Mendocino will continue under their management.”
In 1898, L. H. Bither purchased the building and sold the contents of the drug store to Mendocino druggist C. O. Packard. The offices of dentist Walter Hodghead and physician J. W. Milliken occupied the space until 1901, when Neil McDonald opened a saloon in the old drug store building.
Photo: I.D.E.S. Drill Team, 1925 – 1933. Photograph of I.D.E.S. (Irmandade di Espirito Santo, Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost), a Portuguese men’s organization. In 1910 the membership roster noted there were 73 members. This organization had its own marching band and drill team, as shown in the picture.
They are standing on Main Street in Mendocino in front of Dr. Carl Vincent Whited’s bungalow-style home and office (flat roof to the right) located where the Alhambra Hotel used to be, east of the Mendocino Hotel.
The long 2-story building on the far right is Joseph Heisel’s shoe store. Between 1895 and 1897, this structure housed the Mendocino Hospital & Drug Company. The building was demolished in 1941.
Don’t miss our current exhibit! Neighbors Across the Pond – Vintage Photographs & Objects from the Ford & Kelley Family Collections. Exhibit includes glass bottles, dolls, and clay pipes excavated from the historic Kelley Pond. Thursdays through Sundays, 11 am to 3 pm. Located at 45007 Albion Street, Mendocino.