Personal Expressions, 1974
In July 1893, construction began on the Kelley Baptist Church building on Ukiah Street. The church was dedicated in June 1894 by the Reverend J. S. Ross, and the building was in use until about 1936. Although it was still owned by Kelley family descendants at that time, the church sat vacant for almost 40 years.

Corners of the Mouth, May 2022
In 1974, Rosemary Henes opened “Personal Expressions,” a retail store, here. Rosemary advertised, “Oak bath fixtures, wool blankets & throws, bells & chimes, jewelry, perfume, toiletries, cards, soft leather purses, glassware, pewter, potholders & more.”
In November 1976, the Beacon noted, “Not long ago, Rosemary Henes’ rent was doubled at the old Red Church, so she bought Kellieowen Hall [on the southwest corner of Lansing and Ukiah Streets] and she will be moving her “Personal Expressions” shop there in the near future. This move meant that Gary Shepherd’s “Corners of the Mouth” market in Kellieowen Hall would have to move out. So the question was, where could the market move to? And the answer, as it turns out, is that it will move into the old Red Church that Rosemary is vacating!”
The church building is still the home of Corners of the Mouth, a natural food store, today.
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